Commercial Services

Commercial Services

As the commercial subsidiary of the James Hutton Institute, James Hutton Limited provides a range of services to customers in the potato and agricultural sectors.

Utilising the underpinning science of the Potato@Hutton team, James Hutton Limited is contracted to deliver long-term breeding programmes for some of the industry’s biggest names in both fresh and processing. Access to the Commonwealth Potato Collection offers unrivalled insights and resources for variety development and the business can provide bespoke crosses using proprietary germplasm.  James Hutton Limited also licenses new varieties and trials crop protection and crop nutrition products.

James Hutton Limited offers molecular diagnostic tests which are widely used by plant breeders, propagators, agriculture and horticulture businesses and industry bodies.  This includes genotyping services and germplasm screening for specific molecular markers.

In 2017, a new molecular diagnostic to confirm the presence of common species of free living nematodes in soil was launched, specifically identifying those that vector Tobacco Rattle Virus.

More information about these and all James Hutton Limited’s services can be found at